#ActAgainstPak Mod’s official twitter released last 24 hour effort results for #URIATACK REVENGE.


“62% Indians believe Military Force is best way to defeat terrorism::Survey”

After several emotion over india, modi’s government displays last 24 hour achievements 62% indiansin global level movement against movement for #URI ATTACK.  after global level movements, following thinks happened in past 24 hours.

  • . cancels meet with Pak PM Nawaz Sharif at UNGA AND SAID

    “Stop providing safe haven to terrorists”

  • India nutralises 10 terrorists; pak rangers and soldgers get a dose.


  • un secretary ban-ki-moon snubs #pak pm nawaz sharif,


  • #india, #afganistan and #bangaladesh are likely to to boycott #SAARC  submit at #pak


  • #Russia it call off its joint exercise with #pakistan


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